Since its release to the Android Market, Cover Art Downloader has been the quickest and easiest way to tag your music collection with the appropriate album art. Version 1.2.2, was released today with 2 new features that can save you even more time.
1) Fast scrolling
With fast scrolling, you begin scrolling through your albums and you will now notice a grab handle on the right hand side of the screen where the scrollbar is. When you grab onto this handle and slide your finger, a box on-screen will let you know where in your collection you are letting you quickly find a particular album.
2) Search suggestions
You may not know this already, but you have always had the ability to filter the albums list by a search term of your choosing by pressing your hardware search button or choosing filter from the main menu. I often will enter an artists name so I can work with only the albums by that artist. Now, as you begin typing your search term, you will be presented with a list of matching artists and albums. Save yourself a few key strokes and simply click on an item in the list to filter just that artist or album title.
Many more features are on the way shortly, if you have a feature you would like to see in a future version please let me know.
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